Advertise on Google?

Don't spend a penny more on Google Ads until you talk to QualifiedChatDon’t spend a penny more without talking to us!

Is your business advertising heavily with Google Ads? Do you have a significant Pay-Per-Click (PPC) online advertising budget? If the answer is yes, you need to talk with us.

Google Ads is a very effective way to get traffic to your website, right at the moment a visitor is looking for what you offer. But that is only part of the story. Once the visitor is on your website, the challenge is converting them into a sales lead.

QualifiedChat answers this challenge by converting 35% more visitors into sales leads – without increasing your Google Ads budget. Simply by having our live chat agents available 24/7, with strong messaging enticing the visitor to take action, your website will see a dramatic increase in leads.

Learn more about how you can benefit from 27/7 live chat and see your business grow.

What We Do

We turn your web visitors into clients with a chat. We connect with prospects on a personal level and immediately make them feel at ease. We chat for businesses all day – every day. It's what we do. Read More